Nominations for positions on the NACCA Board of Directors must be received a minimum of 7 days prior to the AGM. If you have any questions or need more information please contact (905) 781-6222 or email [email protected]. The Newmarket African Caribbean Canadian Association (NACCA) would like to express deep gratitude to our biggest donors – the board of directors.
Today we pause to recognize the team players who power our organization. NACCA’s board of directors are asked to give tirelessly of their time, attention, expertise, and resources and they take their roles seriously. They represent, champion, and serve our organization and community well and today we celebrate them for their dedication and hard work. NACCA continues to work in collaboration with school boards, communities, businesses and both local and provincial governments to create limitless pathways for youth leadership, empowerment and advancement. We thank our executive team for making more possible for Black youth and families in Ontario. |